

艺术史课的学生可能会把重点放在古代遗迹上, 欧洲山水画或日本动漫. 我们班重视对原物的研究, 各级学生在博物馆进行实地考察和研究. 学生是否对东亚或北美感兴趣, 玛雅陶瓷或中世纪手稿, the art history program seeks to understand questions of visual literacy and the roles that art and architecture play in our present world.

需求 & 课程


  • develop familiarity with original works of art and/or architecture and with research tools appropriate for the discipline, 包括印刷奖学金, 在线数据库, 以及各种参考资料; 
  • 以书面形式有效地传达他们的想法, 口头形式和(适当时)物质形式, including public presentations that rely upon the display of visual images or artwork;
  • engage a range of disciplines in their work, in the spirit of a liberal arts education.


  • 学会阅读原始对象, 建筑设置, 以及分析性综合写作;
  • 表现出对不同空间方式的熟悉, 纪念碑, and objects have intersected with lived and imagined experiences throughout history and the world over;
  • 展示在自主研究方面的专业知识, including fluency with a range of methodologies and debates across the discipline.

评价: 学生 will be assessed in classes, through faculty reviews of their written and oral abilities.

学生 will also complete a capstone research seminar that results in a sustained piece of original research to be evaluated by the faculty.


郭艳龙,芭芭拉Kellum, Dana Leibsohn, 约翰•摩尔和弗雷泽病房.

课程 in the history of art are divided into areas that reflect breadth in terms of both geography and chronology.


ARH 110: 艺术 And its Histories, 或者是由艺术史教授教授的第一年研讨会
ARH 390:艺术史顶点


  1. 作为通往专业的大门, 学生可以选修arh110:艺术及其历史, 通常在二年级完成, 或者是由艺术史教授教授的第一年研讨会
  2. 一门美术课
  3. 美术史:理论,方法,辩论, normally to be taken by the junior year.
  4. 200级和300级的六门艺术史和建筑史课程.
  • 学生们要选修多种课程, 座谈会, 和研讨会, 与他们的顾问协商排序.  
  • 的se classes should address a range of methodologies, time periods, and geographies (e.g. 亚洲、欧洲、北美、拉丁美洲、非洲等.).
  • 不同的方法方法, 学生应该和不同的教师一起上课.
  • 这六门课程中应该有两门是关注1850年以前创作的材料. 注意可以有重叠, so for instance a class on Buddhist grottoes could serve as both a class on material before 1850 and on Asia.
  • 咨询你的导师, these six classes may include one from a related discipline or a second studio class. 
  1. ARH 390:艺术史顶点, required class normally taken in the senior year (in addition to the six classes listed above)

**为了应对当前前所未有的形势, the Department of 艺术 is allowing up to two Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) courses from Academic Year 2020–21 to count towards the major.

**学生 entering 澳门葡京博彩软件 in the Fall 2023 semester (or after) are subject to the above requirements.  所有其他人都可以选择遵循这组需求, 或者是他们来到学院或宣布他们的专业时的有效证件.


郭艳龙,芭芭拉Kellum, Dana Leibsohn, 约翰•摩尔和弗雷泽病房.

专为以下学生设计:, 虽然他们在另一个系主修, 也希望专注于艺术史. 在他们顾问的协助下, students may construct their minor to be as specific or comprehensive as they desire within the skeletal structure of the requirements. 


ARH 110: 艺术 And its Histories, or a First Year Seminar taught by an art history faculty member


1. 作为通往未成年人的通道, 学生可以选修arh110:艺术及其历史, 通常在二年级完成, 或者是由艺术史教授教授的第一年研讨会

2. 美术史:理论,方法,辩论

3. 艺术史和建筑史上的四门课:

• 学生 are expected to take a mix of classes sequenced in consultation with their adviser. 

• 的se classes should address a range of methodologies, time periods, and geographies (e.g. 亚洲、欧洲、北美、拉丁美洲、非洲等.). 

•不同的方法方法, 学生应该和不同的教师一起上课.

• 的 four classes should include one that focuses on material created before 1850. 注意可以有重叠, so for instance a class on Buddhist grottoes could serve as both a class on material before 1850 and on Asia.



**学生 entering 澳门葡京博彩软件 in the Fall 2023 semester (or after) are subject to the above requirements.  所有其他人都可以选择遵循这组需求, 或者是当他们来到学院或宣布他们的辅修时有效的.



艺术系每年都会组织一次关于荣誉的信息交流会, 这门8学分的课程侧重于独立研究. We strongly encourage interested students to attend this discussion of important deadlines and the timeline for applications. 的 college’s official requirements, guidelines and deadlines are available on the 班级主任网站.

All candidates will present their work in a public presentation to the art department, 在四月底或五月初.



  • 至少3分.在大三期间,所有专业课程的平均绩点(GPA)为4分
  • 至少3分.到大三所有专业以外的课程GPA均达到3分

澳门葡京博彩软件课程(包括Picker和Smithsonian), 五所学院和澳门葡京博彩软件大三留学(佛罗伦萨), 日内瓦, 汉堡, (巴黎)的成绩也算在GPA里. 澳门葡京博彩软件 grades from the first year are counted in the GPAs outside and inside the major.

有机会获得艺术系荣誉, you must have a strong academic background both in general and in your art major. You must be able to work independently, and you must have thought long and hard about your project. 到你提交申请的时候, 提案需要明确, 全面而具体地发展.

荣誉论文的8个学分“计入”艺术系学分.e.,它们构成该专业64学分的一部分)。. This is one of the reasons why many ambitious and accomplished students choose not to do 荣誉; they find they would rather take other classes—either in art or other departments—to broaden their background.

论文将占荣誉指定的60%. 对于ARH, the expected length of the thesis is about 60-80 pages (excluding bibliography). 农业研究所/阿鲁 students this will be based on work through the year and final exhibition. 的 final Jannotta Gallery exhibition must consist of work that comprehensively addresses and resolves the thesis topic. 它必须以展示最佳专业实践的方式安装. 对于美术馆外的特定场地的作品, there must be a Jannotta Gallery exhibition component comprising of appropriate documentation materials.

口头部分将占荣誉指定的20%. 这包括公开陈述和辩护. 通常安排在课程最后一周的周一, 荣誉 students are required to give a formal presentation of their work and field questions on their project. 这个活动是公开的, members of the department will attend and students are encouraged to invite friends and family. 的 directors of 荣誉 and advisers will rehearse the presentation with you during the spring semester. During the examination period, students are required to participate in a defense. 对于ARH, students are asked to briefly summarize the findings of their thesis and field questions from the members of the thesis committee as well as any other member of the art department who has read the thesis. 农业研究所/阿鲁, this will consist of a critique of the final exhibition with the members of the thesis committee.

的 南希·克肖·汤姆林森纪念基金 offers financial support to offset some of the expenses related to the 荣誉 thesis project. 您的资金申请需要包含在申请中.

Your thesis adviser and second reader each provide an 荣誉 designation (highest 荣誉, 优异的成绩, 荣誉, 通过, 或失败). 如果他们完全不同意, a third/fourth reader is assigned by the director of 荣誉 in consultation with the department.






